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Read the first six pages of Fight Club 2

Read the first six pages of Fight Club 2

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We first heard that author Chuck Palahniuk was working on a graphic novel sequel to Fight Club back in 2013, and now it's time to take a look at the beginning of the book. Playboy has published the first six pages, and things seem to pick up about nine years after the original novel, which served as source material for David Fincher's 1999 film with Edward Norton and Brad Pitt.

Tyler Durden is gone thanks to meds and medical marijuana

The main character — who calls himself "Sebastian" — is now married to Marla Singer (the graphic novel version bears more than a passing resemblance to Helena Bonham Carter). Sebastian has seemingly left his fight clubbing days behind him thanks to the glory of prescription meds and medical marijuana, but Marla is struggling with the banality of her everyday life. And then there's Sebastian's son, who's taken to making gunpowder in his bedroom and appears to have picked up rhetoric originally spouted by Tyler Durden.

Extending the Fight Club story provides an interesting conundrum depending on which version of the property you appreciate the most. Without going into any spoilers, the novel set up the potential for a sequel quite nicely, where the movie version went for a subversive happy ending that worked so well precisely because it felt like a self-contained story. We'll have a better idea of how it all fits together when the first installment of Palahniuk's 10-issue series is released on May 27th, but in the meantime you can check out the first six pages here (be forewarned: NSFW).

Fight Club 2 page