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Mariah Carey: She Really Is Just Like Us, For One Night Anyway —

Let’s get one thing straight. Mariah Carey is not like us. She’s a fabulously wealthy pop diva and movie actress who has just released her fabulously titled 14th studio album and lives in a fabulous New York pad with husband/comedian Nick Cannon where she probably has a costume jewelry closet bigger than the house you grew up in. That said, on Thursday night, for one night only, we’ll assume, Mariah Carey was just like us. After hosting a Fresh Air Fund gala, the Elusive Chanteuse became a bit less elusive and went out into the Manhattan night in her glittery ballgown to mix with the normals: taking a cab, riding a 1 train with pal/producer Jermaine Dupri and marveling at the filth and piles of garbage on the city’s streets.

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Mariah u re just my choice always

10 years ago

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