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Director Q&A: Zhang Yimou Talks Chinese Box Office, 'Coming Home' and the Upcoming 'Great Wall' — hollywoodreporter.com

No one could ever accuse China’s most famous director Zhang Yimou of being predictable. In the past decade he has directed Christian Bale in the war movie Flowers of War, he’s choreographed the awesome opening ceremony for the Olympics and has just scored box office success with a period drama Coming Home, which takes the country’s tumultuous Cultural Revolution as its backdrop. From being banned in the 1980s and 1990s for Red Sorghum and Raise the Red Lantern to becoming a popular figure for his martial arts epics Hero and House of Flying Daggers, he is now working on Great Wall, a big-budget fantasy epic about the mysterious reasons why the Great Wall of China was built, for Legendary East. The project is a personal favorite of Legendary CEO Thomas Tull and marks a departure for Zhang.

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