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Federico Fellini's Recipes from the Pages of Vogue —

Diana Vreeland was a woman who created her own world. Naturally, she was attracted to like creatures. During her tenure as the editor-in-chief of Vogue, Vreeland tapped Ninette Lyon, a food- and art-obsessed Frenchwoman, journalist, and award-winning cookbook author, to cover cuisine . . . creatively. The result was “A Second Fame: Good Food,” a series about the “menus, recipes, kitchen amenities of celebrated people.” The column debuted, not inauspiciously, with Pablo Picasso, and went on to feature a cast of luminaries, including Alexander Calder, Cecil Beaton, Man Ray, and Ray’s onetime muse, the photojournalist Lee Miller (then the be-aproned Mrs. Roland Penrose).

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