Parents Who Park Illegally At Their Kids’ Schools Need To Get Over Themselves And Be Considerate —

School pick up and drop off is a nightmare for most parents for many different reasons. For some, it’s the waiting. For others, it’s trying not to run over the swarming children. And for others, it’s finding a parking spot. Finding parking near your kid’s school can be a pain, but that doesn’t mean you get to park illegally. Come on. Don’t be a schmuck. A lot of schools are in the middle of residential neighborhoods and don’t have parking spots available for parents. That means a lot of parents are trying to find street parking all at the same time. But that doesn’t mean you can park your car in that open spot, which just happens to be open because it is someone’s driveway. I know you’re only going to be a minute, and I know they weren’t leaving the house anyway, but that’s not okay. You aren’t doing the wrong thing only if it causes someone else inconvenience, you’re doing the wrong thing because it’s more convenient for you. Not cool.

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this article needs to be translated and distributed to every parent in every school (at least in Milan!)

10 years ago

Totally agree with you labea ! So much education needs to be give to parents, that perhaps it should be the kids going to pick up their parents. :)

10 years ago

so you know the problem! what age are your kids?

10 years ago

I know the problem well, but no kids yet for me labea :)

10 years ago

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