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10 Books You Must Read if You Loved "Gone Girl" —

Photo: Reagan Arthur Books/Sarah Crichton Books Like every person I knew during the summer of 2012, I read Gone Girl as if my life depended on it. I read it at the beach, I read it while eating a salad at work, I read it past my bedtime, falling asleep with my glasses still on my face. I read it in big, hungry chunks, because it was that good. When it was over, I wanted more of what Gillian Flynn served in Gone Girl — suspenseful mysteries that excavated the female mind (or at least attempted to) in a way that I had never before read in literature. With a Gone Girl adaptation in theaters this Friday, now seems like a good time to either reread Gone Girl, or immerse yourself in a new set of satisfying psychological thrillers. Here are 10 to get you started, all of them written by women.

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