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Gone Girl's Ending Is Different From The Book In These Specific Ways —

So, who is right? Millions of you flocked to Gone Girl over the weekend, and you saw Fincher’s ending. How does it differ from Gillian Flynn’s book? Let’s discuss, in great, spoilery detail, after listening to Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross’ haunting Gone Girl score. Still reading? We’re going to get spoilery. You have been warned. OK, so, the ending of the movie isn’t as different from the ending of the book, as we’d been led to believe. Amy (Rosamund Pike) returns to Nick (Ben Affleck) after she sees – in television interviews – the apologetic version of the husband with whom she wants to spend her life. Nick, meanwhile, lures Amy back, but suddenly realizes he has invited this psychopath back into his life. "I know I’ll never sleep again," he says in a line from the book, "I can’t close my eyes when I’m next to her. It’s like I’m sleeping with a spider."

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