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Slideshow: Painting the Modern World: Color-Saturated Design and Architecture — dwell.com

Among several major exhibitions of renowned textile artist Sheila Hicks's work in 2014—including a site-specific installation for the Whitney Biennial in Marcel Breuer’s Madison Avenue landmark, a temporary installation during Art Basel, and an addition to her first corporate commission at the Ford Foundation headquarters—Hicks put together a yearlong display at the Palais de Tokyo in Paris. The constantly-evolving Baoli—whose title references the immense, stair-stepped wells dug into the ground throughout western India—comprises 1,500 pounds of pigmented Sunbrella thread, bound together with acrylic net. The installation is visually distinctive, but, Hicks says, “The color I use is not conceptual or abstract; it’s color that has texture. There’s a big difference.”

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