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Breakfast of champions: Arnold Bennett’s omelette — theguardian.com

Writer Arnold Bennett’s affection for the smoked haddock omelette at London’s Savoy hotel is legendary. This is a simpler version of a dish served there to this day. Serves two Poach 150g smoked haddock (or cod or pollock) in 250ml milk for five minutes, then lift out and set aside. In a separate pan over a low heat, melt a tablespoon of butter, then add a tablespoon of flour and cook, stirring, for three minutes. Gradually add the milk, stirring, until you have a smooth sauce. Heat the grill. Melt a knob of butter in a small ovenproof frying pan and pour in three beaten eggs. Cook for a minute, gently moving the eggs around, until half-done. Mix the fish with the white sauce, pour on top of the omelette, then scatter with chopped parsley, grated parmesan and black pepper. Grill for three minutes, until golden and bubbling. Serve with hot buttered toast.

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