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Inzaghi Bringing Tactical Flexibility to Rossoneri — bleacherreport.com

Filippo Inzaghi is adamant about conveying Silvio Berlusconi's vision of playing so-called champagne football, which is engineered to be aesthetically pleasing to the eyes. While the budget may not be the same that it was years ago when the club could afford to have two world-class starting XIs, the coach has to make the best of what he's given. The 4-3-3 is his favored lineup, but we've seen Inzaghi not being too stubborn about keeping it that way when there are various injuries. He has shifted between that formation and a 4-2-3-1 (depending on the situation). One thing is clear: He wants to use as many creative players as he can without being too unbalanced up front.

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