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Krakow’s 7 Best Craft Beer Haunts & Local Pubs — theculturetrip.com

A mishmash of stained timber tables, scuffed leather sofas and gaudy low-hanging lights help to create the charm of Omerta Pub, situated in the very heart of Krakow’s enchanting Kazimierz district – between bustling Plac Nowy and the shadowy cobbled backstreets around. It’s often hailed as one of the pioneers on the craft beer scene here, famed originally for its offering of bottled IPAs, foreign ales and independent brews from all around the world. Today, Omerta boasts a whole bar full of cask pumps and a cascade of new bottled beers, not to mention larger premises laden with curious film noir paraphernalia to boot. If you want to sample one of the best local crafts currently on the circuit in Poland, then go for the Atak chmielu American IPA—a full-bodied, flavoursome brew straight out of nearby Lublin.

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