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The Most Adorable Captain America Photo You've Ever Seen —

Peggy reunites with Cap! In Captain America: The First Avenger, Steve crashed the Red Skull’s nuke-sporting plane into the Arctic to prevent the weapons on board from detonating in a populated area. His last words to Peggy was that he’d come back for that dance with her. Steve eventually did reunite with Peggy in the present day, but as we saw in Captain America: The Winter Soldier, that reunion was bittersweet as her mental deterioration meant that she didn’t always remember that he was back among the living. However, as Steve pointed out, she led a wonderful life with her own family, so it all worked out for her in the end. As for Steve, he still hasn’t found that special someone, but with all the trouble he’s been dealing with lately, romance isn’t the priority right now. When he does eventually get back on the market, though, he might want to consult with mini-Captain America on how to attract the ladies.

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