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World War Z 2 May Go In A Completely Different Direction —

Speaking with Thompson on Hollywood during a recent interview, Steve Knight, who’s writing the treatment for World War Z 2, revealed that the production won’t necessarily be picking up where Pitt’s Gerry Lane left off after the first film. Said Knight, when asked about the project, Pitt, who’s producing the sequel through his Plan B, said a while ago that his team had to get the script right, but that he felt they had a lot of different stories to mind out of the material. Based on Knight’s comments, it doesn’t seem like the sequel will pick up where the action left off. That being said, it's hard to imagine replacing Pitt as the star, given that he was a major draw for audiences. So if this is to be believed and World War Z 2 will be starting anew with a "clean slate," does this mean there’s a major time jump in store? Perhaps it will be about tracking down more information on patient zero. At this point, it’s unclear.

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