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Honey BBQ Chicken Wings for the Big Game —

When it comes to your Sunday football spread, it’s easy to go with a traditional fan favorite—a big pot of chili. Don’t get me wrong: A hearty bowl of soul-warming beef and bean chili is about as tasty as it gets. Yet sometimes it’s nice to branch out from the tried-and-true. Like with these slow-cooker chicken wings. Traditional sports bar-type wings often involve using a deep fryer, which can be a hassle. Plus, while deep-fried wings are undoubtedly delicious, they’re also loaded with fat. Slow-cooker chicken wings, on the other hand, eliminate the deep fryer in favor of briefly broiling the wings in the oven and then cooking them in the slow-cooker in a tangy, sweet barbecue sauce. What results are wings that are crispy on the outside yet meltingly tender on the inside due to that low-and-slow, moist cooking method the slow-cooker is known for.

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