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Milk Nanny Automatically Makes A Refreshing Bottle Of Formula For Baby —

As a parent I understand that gadgets like the Milk Nanny will be forgotten – like the Diaper Genie and the no-pacifier rule – five months into the severe sleep-deprivation experiment that is parenthood. As a gadget freak, however, I do think it’s pretty cool. It’s a simple device. The system holds an amount of formula and water. When you need formula you simply press a button and it squirts out, pre-warmed and ready to drink. You can control the system from your phone and even tell the device which formula you are using, allowing you to see nutritional information and quality on the fly. You can then see exactly when the wee one ate and how much, ensuring that parents to obsessively track their infants’ food intake like a Honda Civic owner obsessed with gas milage can do so with ease.

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