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Discover The Dogs Of WWI At Bishopsgate Institute — londonist.com

This is a sponsored article on behalf of Bishopsgate Institute. Staff Sergeant (Horse Farrier) of the Army Service Corps (ASC) with the Corp’s pet dogs, Hissy and Jack. France, August 1916. Staff Sergeant (Horse Farrier) of the Army Service Corps (ASC) with the Corp’s pet dogs, Hissy and Jack. France, August 1916. Note on reverse of card: “France, August 1916. Our Corps pet St Bernard named Hissy 8 months old & the Terrier named Jack. May – just after we came out here 16 months – & our Staff Sgt Farrier Len Nusse.”Four soldiers standing behind seated civilians and two dogs, 1st August 1915.Two German Officers probably of General von Kluck’s, 1st German Army, resting behind the lines at Le Cateau, France, Christmas 1916, during the grinding battles of attrition at the Somme and Ver dun.Officers, Warrant Officers, Staff Sergeants, of the Army Service Corps (ASC), circa 1917.A member of 209th (Norfolk) Field Company, Royal Engineers, of the 34th Division, with his four-legged friend.Corporal of the Worcestershire Regiment and canine companion, circa 1917.A British messenger dog in France during the First World War, 19 May 1918.Reverse of the postcard showing a British messenger dog in France during the First World War, 19 May 1918.

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