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Shadow Of Mordor's Last DLC Is Harder Than The Campaign — cinemablend.com

Gamespot has a very detailed article on the upcoming DLC that will also be the game's final bit of DLC. The name of the downloadable content? The Bright Lord. Michael de Plater, design director for Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor, explained that this final piece of DLC will not only be heavy on the story but heavy on the difficulty as well. "And it's like Tolkien wrote: 'The Ring did something it's master did not intend.' We looked at that idea and how the One Ring had these two parents, this conflict going on within it, within the flashbacks in Shadow of Mordor as you recovered Celebrimbor's memory. We're excited to go back and play with that and explore Celebrimbor and Sauron's relationship more."

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