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Out Loud: Censorship in China —

You can listen to the episode by streaming above or subscribe to Out Loud for free on iTunes or via RSS. Click here for the latest episodes of all New Yorker podcasts. The staff writers Peter Hessler and Evan Osnos have both worked as New Yorker correspondents in China, and both have published books about the country. But, as he writes in his recent article “Travels with My Censor,” Hessler agreed to have a modified version of his latest book, “Strange Stones,” published in China, whereas Osnos chose against it for his 2014 book “Age of Ambition.” On this week’s Out Loud, Hessler and Osnos join Amelia Lester and discuss the  decision about whether to comply with censorship in China. Hessler points out that the Western press’s coverage of the issue often overlooks a key question: “Do these books provide any value to people there, does it make a difference to them?”

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