5 Guilt-Free Pasta Recipes — tastebook.com

Penne with Broccoli from the 'Healthy Pasta' cookbook. Photos: Steve Giralt If you’re anything like us, you probably wish you could eat pasta every day without packing on pounds. Good news: The brother and sister team of Joseph Bastianich and Tanya Bastianich Manuali (yes, of that Bastianich family) have your back. We recently picked up their aptly-titled cookbook, Healthy Pasta: The Sexy, Skinny, and Smart Way to Eat Your Favorite Food, and immediately forgot any promise to low-carb it until Thanksgiving. Featuring dishes made with familiar styles of noodles and shells, the recipes are doable yet decadent, and best of all: each one clocks in under 500 calories per serving.

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Mmmmmm!!!! ^_^"

9 years ago

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