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A Look Back at Tom Brady and Gisele Bündchen’s Romance —

Today, Tom Brady and Gisele Bündchen celebrated their eighth wedding anniversary. The couple, who will cochair this year’s Met Gala , first met in 2006. Bündchen, had previously seen Brady at a Patriots football game, but had not been particularly taken with him at the time. However, when the duo did finally meet face-to-face, it was, according to Bündchen, love at first sight. Over two years later, the couple married. And while we still know relatively little about their 2009 wedding , it’s clear that they’ve lived a very happy life together ever since. In December 2009, the couple welcomed their first child together, Benjamin. In 2012, their daughter Vivian was born. (Brady also has a son named John, from his previous relationship with actress Bridget Moynahan.)

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