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RF Microneedling - Touch MedSpa —

You have probably heard about Microneedling, and more recently about RF Microneedling. Men and women alike have been turning to RF Microneedling (short for radiofrequency) treatments as a less invasive filler or laser alternative for restoring smooth, toned skin. This treatment is used for contouring and tightening the skin of the face, neck, hands, and body. Touch MedSpa is proud to offer VirtueRF, the world’s first (and best!) RF Microneedling platform. VirtueRF* offers more versatility than any other leading RF Microneedling technology. It was designed to maximize patient efficacy and experience, offering advanced features for safety of treatments. How Does It Work? It stimulates the natural production of collagen to reduce fine lines and wrinkles. How? The secret is ultra-fine needles that create a controlled injury to your skin. As your skin heals, your body’s collagen production rises, resulting in more taut skin. Surface scarring is almost eliminated, and fine wrinkles are softened, if not erased. Simply put, it is the only dermatology treatment that tightens your skin while also reducing your wrinkles at the same time. For many women and men, RF Microneedling has been a game-changer. Yet, as with any type of cosmetic treatment, there are always questions. What exactly is it, what does it involve, does it hurt, does it work?  Our very own Jessica and Jamie answer all these questions and more, read on! Q: What is the difference between Virtue RF Microneedling and traditional Microneedling?  A: RF Microneedling is a customized treatment using radio frequency to cauterize the skin. We can put the settings into the system that would be best for your individualized treatment.  These settings determine the depth of the needles into the skin.  This treatment actually reaches the dermal epidermal junction unlike traditional Microneedling.  Also, traditional Microneedling will leave you with down time and bleeding. Q: What does Vivace RF Microneedling treat? A: It is a results-based treatment that tightens skin, creates collagen, decreases pore size, decreases scarring, and helps to reduce fine lines and wrinkles! Q: How many treatments are needed?  A:  We typically recommend 3 treatments for baseline.  Some people may need more.  Most people start seeing improvement after one treatment. Q: What other issues can RF Microneedling help? A: Most patients seek Microneedling RF treatment for its anti-aging benefits like smooth, taut skin and a less wrinkled appearance, but it also corrects scarring due to acne. The collagen that the procedure creates helps fade your scarring. The result is the restoration of your flawless skin! Q: Is there any pain, discomfort, or downtime?  A: Prior to your procedure we will numb you.  This makes the procedure very comfortable and most times completely pain free.  The beautiful thing about the Vivace RF Microneedling system is there is no down time! Q: Does RF Microneedling Leave Holes in Your Skin? A:Microneedling RF treatment does create controlled injuries in the skin that will leave small channels in the skin that allow for product to be delivered deep into the skin. The needle punctures are so small that, unaided, no one can see them, even close up. These channels will be closed within 6 hours after the treatment. This can cause your skin to look flushed, but the redness will go away quickly. Q: How long does it take? A: The procedure itself takes about 45-60 minutes. Q: What areas can be treated?  A: We can treat the face, neck, hands, and other areas that may have a loss of laxity or elastin. Q: How can I get started with RF Microneedling?  A: It is amazingly simple!  We do complimentary consultations, so just contact us and we can get you on your way!  You can call us at 843-249-5433 or complete the form below.  *VirtueRF is manufactured by the global leader in RF Microneedling technology, ShenB. Located in North Myrtle Beach, Touch MedSpa offers RF Microneedling services to clients along the Grand Strand and across the North Carolina border.

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