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Tankless Water Heater Richmond - Aquaflame Heating & Cooling —

Our experts can guide you in selecting the most suitable tankless water heater in Richmond according to your specific needs. Incoming water temperature and the pattern of use of hot water in a building are considered before buying and installing the right unit. Maximum flow rate at a specific temperature must be taken into account so that your unit will be able to meet the simultaneous needs of hot water of the entire house with an uninterrupted flow. Gas pressure is also checked before installation because we understand that gas needs are higher for this tankless model. After all, it has to heat the water instantaneously. Our expert installers at Aquaflame heating and cooling will check your meters capacity and will make sure that the gas pipeline is also adequately sized with good gas pressure. We follow all the necessary protocols while installing a tankless water heater in Richmond, as we are committed to delivering 100% customer satisfaction. Most units are vented directly, they take air from outdoors for their combustion to work properly. Similarly, we guide the clients not to set the highest temperature above 115 degrees because no water is stored, so no risk of bacterial growth is there. We will help you from scratch to the end of the process for your convenience and peace of mind.

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