Thomasina Miers’ recipe for harissa roast sprouts with lemon-tahini yoghurt | Food | The Guardian —

Sprouts are sweeter nowadays; technology has been used to wean out some of the bitter notes. Even so, there are ways you can cook sprouts to bring out their milder notes: one is to pan-fry them, another is roasting. The latter makes them taste almost nutty when they come out of the oven, making them delicious with this fiery harissa and soothing yoghurt. Harissa roast sprouts with lemon-tahini yoghurt Prep 10 min Cook 25 min Serves 42 tbsp rose harissa, plus 2 tsp extra, to serve 1 tbsp soft brown sugar 1 small garlic clove, peeled and roughly choppedSea salt and black pepper4 tbsp olive oil, plus a little extra to drizzle 800g sprouts, cleaned and trimmed 50g skin-on almonds1 tsp sumac Flatbreads, to serveFor the lemon-tahini yoghurt1 tbsp tahiniZest and juice of ½ lemon300g Greek yoghurt, drainedHeat the oven to 220C (200C fan)/425F/gas 7. Put the harissa, sugar, garlic and half a teaspoon of salt in a mortar, and bash to a paste. Work in three tablespoons of the oil and season with pepper.Line a baking tray with greaseproof paper, add the sprouts and the harissa mixture, and toss to coat. Roast for 15-20 minutes, until the sprouts are caramelised, slightly charred and tender.Meanwhile, toast the almonds in a warm pan for a few minutes, then roughly chop.In a bowl, make the lemon-tahini yoghurt. Using a fork, beat the tahini with the remaining tablespoon of oil and the lemon zest and juice, then slowly combine with the yoghurt, and season. Warm the flatbreads in an oven or on a griddle. Spoon the yoghurt on to a platter, top with the sprouts, dot with dollops of the harissa mix and sprinkle over the almonds and sumac. Serve with the breads for scooping. The simple flex … Vegans can easily substitute coconut yoghurt for the Greek yoghurt. Or, if you need a meat fix, try these as a side for merguez.

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