Lluïsa Sancho
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Little B Cooks: Chronicles from a Vermont foodie: Sandwich Bread — littlebcooks.blogspot.com.br

In the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with a dough hook, add the yeast and 6 tbsp of warm water and let it set and dissolve for 5 minutes.  Add the sugar, salt, butter and additional 1 1/3 cups warm water and mix on medium-low speed for 2 minutes to combine.  Add 2 cups of the flour and mix on low speed for one minute, then add the remaining 2 1/2 cups flour and turn the mixer to medium-low and let the dough hook knead the dough for about 10 minutes.  Dough should be nice and smooth and not be sticking to the sides of the bowl.  Spray a large bowl liberally with cooking spray and place the dough in the bowl turning it to cover the dough with the oil from the cooking spray.  Cover and let rise in a warm spot for an hour. Punch down the dough and place onto a floured work surface.  With a rolling pin roll it into a 12x12 rectangle.  Tightly roll it up and seal the edges.  Spray a loaf pan with cooking spray.  Tuck the ends of the dough tightly underneath and place the dough into the loaf pan.  Set pan in a warm spot and let it rise for another hour.  

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Hey, I couldn't resist sharing this story on the item for food :-)

12 years ago

Cooking I meant!

12 years ago

Feel free to share it with everyone! ;)

12 years ago

Loved it!

12 years ago

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